Bridging the Intangible and Tangible with Practical Tips and Guidance to Support Your Ongoing Financial Abundance
The overarching principles of attraction, abundance, and universal connections are inspirations and aspirations for our lives. This book provides the vital practical ideas, new perspectives, and guidance to reach these principles…a new bridge of information now available for all of us.
~See TopBookReviewers ‘Must Read’ Recommendation + 5 STAR reviews below ~
~ Paperback and eBook available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and booksellers nationwide ~
** Complete audio book available directly from the author here via secure purchase/download SPECIAL OFFER only $10.00 ($22.00 retail) ~ no sign-up needed or information collected**
“A no-nonsense, refreshing approach to personal finances that everyone should read.” January 2016
Laurie Bonser brings a refreshing aspect to personal finances in her latest book Financial Health, The Law of Attraction Meets Financial Stewardship. For many individuals, the words personal finance cause them to cringe or look for ways to procrastinate from the inevitable chore of budgets, banking or any investing. Laurie’s book not only soothes these anxieties, she makes it fun to look again at your own personal finances and go well beyond that. Laurie takes the reader on a thought provoking mental and spiritual check-up that ties in with your finances and investments. She does this through engaging the reader in her well defined chapters and not preaching to them. I have read hundreds of self-help, “personal finance” books that inform me that I am the problem and I better use their magic fixes to rectify my situation. Laurie’s approach had me sitting back in the airplane seat that I was in and really self-evaluating my finances and financial choices I have made throughout my life. I am now going back more slowly through the chapters to delve deeper into my understanding of how I can change things for the better and look forward to more investing with a fresh outlook that comes from myself and not a “how to” formula.
Laurie’s credentials as a CPA and CFP shine through in a surprisingly no-nonsense writing style. She adds structure to each chapter topic with sections on how this has or will affect you not only mentally but also through your emotions and feelings. At the start of the book, Laurie mentions that this is a compliment to the Law of Attraction by Abraham Hicks, which I recommend on reading. With this in mind, Laurie’s delve into “good vibrations” about financial matters that brings to mind the old adage that if you ask the universe for anything, you better be ready to receive. Laurie helps you to receive this through a series of 44 word and message decks from her first book, Financial Stewardship: A Guide for Personal Financial Health and Wellness that are a bonus at the end of this book. These “decks” help align the reader to keep them on track throughout the next few months and years. Yes, years because personal finance is an ongoing part of our lives as long as we are here.
Finally, a book that strengthens ourselves from within which we can reference again and again. Personally, I will be re-reading Laurie’s book annually to see where my progress has gone spiritually and of course in my personal finances.”
The connection between spirituality and financial abundance is most often misunderstood. In The Law of Attraction Meets Financial Stewardship, author Laurie Bonser details the teachings of spiritual masters relative to monetary wealth, the false or misleading concepts that block so many from achieving their goals, and specific processes for moving into greater abundance. This book reminds us that we must be practical in our financial pursuits and that mastering the Law of Attraction requires more than just the recitation of positive affirmations. Read more…
At last, harmony between our spiritual and financial goals!
on March 10, 2016
Finally, a book that clearly and succinctly fuses our financial world with our spiritual world. For some time, I’ve been caught between my justification of being focused upon my spirituality and the reality of being financially solvent.
Ms. Bonser’s latest book demonstrates to me – with many exercises, affirmations, quotations and questions – how to successfully coexist in both worlds. Most books of this nature focus solely upon the material and neglect to address the most important part of the equation to gain and maintain wealth – and that is applying the LOA to your life.
We are spiritual entities first and consumers second, this is a truth that most self-help/financial books don’t or won’t acknowledge as essential to our overall success. When we approach our finances with a lens of spirituality, we must live a happier and healthier life.
There are many jewels in this book, however, my favorite is: “Moving in your higher vibrational sphere and making choices in your best interests are the hallmarks of the true core changes that occur across your mind, soul and body.”
Then there’s The 44 Word and Message Card Deck – the messages are short, clear and meaningful – well done.
Don’t just read this one once and let it collect dust on your bookshelf…refer to it in both the good times and the bad times to help you grow as a person.
By carbs on March 22, 2016
It is with great pleasure I submit this book review on Laurie Bonser’s book, The Law of Attraction Meets Financial Stewardship
I would have never thought the topics of financial responsibility could be discussed within the context of spirituality without being disingenuous to either topic. However, Laurie has been able to meld both topics together seamlessly and with clarity.
Her ability to organize an approach to assist the reader to achieve financial security while maintaining integrity is remarkable. Her advice is sage and the questions posed allow the reader to individualize a financial plan accordingly.
This book will become your ongoing financial planner as you navigate the often treacherous landscape related to the economy, personal finances and unforeseen life events.
Not only will you enjoy this book, it will be an invaluable asset. I highly recommend it!
Hits where Napolean Hill Missed, May 2, 2016 Michael Evans
I’ve always seen a correlation between solvency and the law of attraction. Laurie hits where Napolean Hill missed. I highly recommend!
The author shows us how to get on the right vibrational financial path with organization.
Transform Your Relationship to Money Now! on May 6, 2016
Amazing & Surprising! on May 30, 2016
This book fell accidentally onto my lap and the book was not only knowledgable but encouraging and a positive object to have by my side. The resources are overwhelming and the book is easy to read, it’s very understandable to anyone who wishes for motivation and keeping track of their life.
If you want to achieve financial success then this book is for you but not only that, you will be befriended from an author, mentor, coach, and provider of all the skills in which we need a help in hand with. The book shows people the areas in which we may unconsciously push away, avoid or dismiss purposely. It asks the right questions to make us stop and think about what is really going on and shows what can be enforced to help.
The book is a great effort of showing the reader how to become aware of their problems and fixing them! Each chapter is set out nice and is enjoyable to read. No complicated language is pronounced and to my surprise the book also contains a spiritual side, some may not understand or get this if they are not connected in this waking world but it is a great step for anyone wanting to connect in all matters of their life to then help every section of their being. I found it by surprise that mediation was also included and found this to give the book a whole different meaning. Allowing the reader to take on new developments and pushing that positivity forward to make anything in life happen. It was also very refreshing to read the constant motivation throughout each chapter and gave a sense of power to me and allowed me to then think that it is possible for me to understand the cause and affect of my own life.
The Law of Attraction Meets Financial Stewardship is quite philosophical in nature, it shows fulfilment in a different way and gives you the know how for peace and purpose. The author, Laurie Bonser comes across very passionate, wise and truly dedicated in helping others with their financial troubles but also gives an enlightened and spiritual manner to her words and seems to want to build a relationship with the reader to help them as much as possible which I liked very much. She asks the right questions and that is what is important! She truly is inspiring and we must surround ourselves with more positive people, books and words like this to continue being positive within our own lives and feeling good!
5 out of 5 Stars – A Spiritual Journey through the Realm of Finance
Laurie combines the language of the right brain with the down to earth facts of the left brain. A true marriage that made my financial planning make sense to by brain type that leans heavily to the creative and imaginative. This is a wonderful book for spiritually minded folks. She takes the fear out of finances and made my experience more like a spiritual journey.
“A GEM of a book about healing, changing soul stories, and creating new futures! A MUST READ!”
“FINALLY, a book that addresses the question, ‘What does spirituality have to do with money?’ In so many words, Laurie Bonser’s answer is ‘everything!’
“In this, her second book, Ms. Bonser brings to bear her wonderful gifts as an Intuitive and Certified Medium together with her training and expertise as a CPA and Certified Financial Planner with truly remarkable results!
“Always maintaining her focus on the wholeness, purpose, and integrity of our individual soul journeys, Ms. Bonser positions financial stewardship precisely where it ought to be – as an integral part of our spirituality. With a healing tone throughout, she teaches us to see the Law of Attraction (‘like attracts like’) as a ‘guiding principle’ rather than as a rigid set of fixed ‘laws’ with guaranteed results. She encourages the reader to ‘see life from a 10,000 foot level’ to gain perspective and ‘focus on one’s own individual story and experience’ — rather than relying solely on financial self-help books and similar resources. Most importantly, she teaches us to see ‘abundance’ not as a dollar amount or a lifestyle, but rather as ‘a state of perception, a place of being…’
“Ms. Bonser’s goal is to teach souls how to make a ‘game plan’ of how they want to live and increase their ability to move closer to their dreams and visions. To this end, she offers the reader a financial decision review list, several exercises to encourage self-reflection, and a 44 ‘word and message deck’ for further spiritual and financial guidance. Her list of recommended resources (p. 131) alone is worth the price of her book!
“Reading Ms. Bonser’s ‘Financial Abundance Opening Meditation’ (p. 103) will convince you that this is a gem of a book about healing, changing soul stories, and creating new futures! A MUST READ!”
Expand and Balance your Financial Options and Wellbeing!
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