“My hands hover over the keyboard and my mind searches, searches to express how wonderful it’s been to talk and sort through my very ordinary money movement. Clarity brings peace. Thanks for who you are!” ~ Individual client, NY
“Laurie you are so great, thank you. We have been doing your Financial Abundance Meditation before meals often, for a few weeks now, and this, reading your book, and the interaction with you has helped us so much through this time of getting our financial vibes together.” ~ Individual clients, MN
“Now a good friend and financial business professional has come out with a new product that is a very helpful: a financial card deck. She has very specific, useful and direct questions on this card deck to help you think and plan for your financial future. She has the financial wisdom and expertise having been in the finance industry for many years to create this unique product, provide financial services to all level of incomes and write very helpful books on different aspects of finance.” ~ Individual client, MI
“Laurie is an extreme professional and is very forthcoming with innovative ideas and qualifies her recommendations so you’re not wondering why. Proven experience in all facets she represents.”
~ Business owner, NY (rating Laurie’s top qualities as Expert, On Time, and High Integrity)
“Laurie is passionate about her profession. She is never short on quick tips to help a client manage or navigate an issue. Her long-term experience as a planner is unmistakable given her depth of knowledge on any given topic.” ~ CFP colleague, NY
“We really appreciated your personal commitment to helping us put together our plan and make sure that all the steps were put into place with the other professionals. We now feel like things are ‘under control’ for once and know that we made some big steps toward our goals! ~ Individual clients, FL
“It has been a pleasure working with you. You have a gift for setting the mood at ease when discussing emotionally charged topics. Thank you.” ~ Individual clients, NY
“Even though I haven’t been in touch recently, I have thought of our sessions often and I read your book. I did sell my house and made a good profit. I am renting a lovely home at a higher price than I would have imagined had we not talked and analyzed my budget/income. Thank you so much!!! Lots of change since this email was written three months ago. Let’s talk again in a few weeks.” ~Individual client, FL
“It’s really great to know that you are available any time for questions about issues that pop up during the year. And I can tap into your expertise with whatever questions and unexpected events happen.” ~ Individual client, CA
“At first we were a bit reluctant to spend money on a planning fee, but we really had a wonderful experience working with Laurie and we’ve saved so much money plus avoided a lot of mistakes that we would have made with our incomplete or outdated information. One of the best decisions we’ve made was choosing such a real professional, both personally and for our finances.” ~ Individual clients, VA
“We had been discussing the need to meet with a financial advisor for some time, but put it off because we did not want to work with an advisor who worked on commission or for a major financial institution. When we met Laurie Bonser we knew this was a woman we could trust with our personal finances and would give us the best advice for us at this stage in our lives. Her credentials speak for themselves, but more important, Laurie gives logical explanations for why she is making a particular recommendation. We would recommend her to anyone seeking solid financial planning counsel from a professional and trusted advisor.” ~ Individual clients, NY
“As a recently widowed woman, I find Laurie’s sincerity of purpose to be extremely valuable as she works with me to identify my needs and how to best maximize the assets I have. For me, working with a qualified individual who listens, raises issues, and gives the time to hear my concerns is well worth my taking the steps to secure such guidance and resources as offered by Laurie.” ~ Individual client, NY
‘Thank you for your very informative session last night. I appreciate the hard work you put into guiding women through different phases of our lives.’ ~ Workshop participant
“You have such a unique business, offering services to establish the right path for financial growth, while dealing with the twists and turns that life presents! ‘ ~ Business colleague, NY
‘This wonderful person has tremendous experience and insight when it comes to helping you plan for your future. Worth every minute spent with her! She’s got a couple of clinics coming up…check them out. I’m going to her next one, who wants to go with me?’ ~ Individual & Business client, NY
“I don’t know if there are many people out there that do what you do, but I am grateful to have found you! I am so unsure of so many things right now, it’s a comfort to work with someone that looks at every aspect of a client’s circumstances not just the financial picture. I was struck by how you seemed to pick up on things we hadn’t actually mentioned, like my resistance to listen to what the universe has been trying to tell me for many years. My biggest obstacle is fear, so what I am hoping for going forward is that you stick with me through my confusion and possible resistance to certain ‘scary’ new concepts…together we can chip away at that ‘thick skull’ of mine!” ~Individual client, NY
“I can’t thank you enough, I am feeling much better already. Looking back it is unbelievable how scattered and flighty I have been feeling for weeks now! The universe was telling me to ground in various ways – I’m thankful they gave me you to “hit me over the head”, lol. I will follow up with you Monday!! ” ~ Individual client, NY
“I’ll be in touch in the future to gain some more insight from your awesome financial brain :)” ~ Individual client, NY
“Thank you so much for meeting with me today and helping to set my mind at ease! I’ll do some homework and circle back. Have a great day!” ~ Individual client, NY
“You’re awesome! Thank you! =]” ~ Individual client, PA
“Thank you for the follow-up Laurie, I appreciate it very much! I suspect I’ll be coming to you again in the near future to discuss the new retirement plan.” ~ Individual client, NY
“You’re right! Thanks for being direct and having my best interest in mind. I greatly value your presence in my life. I will be in touch soon!” ~ Individual client, NY
“Laurie, You have no idea how pumped I am after our meeting. A new direction, a new meaning and a new mission statement. It means so much to me how much you help me out. Just wanted to give you a big thank you!! Well, I would do it in all caps, but then it looks like I’m yelling, lol. Have a great day my dear.” ~ Individual client, NY
Want to learn more about how we can work together?
Click here if you are an individual or representing a family. Click here if you are representing a business.